Father’s Day Gift Ideas

With Father’s Day just around the corner, now seems like a good time to talk to you about the men-only products we offer, many of which make fantastic gifts. Even if the man you’re buying for is a low-maintenance kind of guy, we’re sure we’ve got a product which will …

What Your Spots Are Telling You About The Rest of Your Body

Spots. For many of us they’re a fact of life and although we do our best to combat them with the best cleansers and spot-fighting treatments out there, they keep coming back. It can be hugely frustrating when your daily routine is on point, so it may be worth considering …

Get Glowing Skin with Decleor and Dermalogica

Having a good complexion is often a delicate balancing act, and even if you’re lucky enough to be free from wrinkles, blemishes or dark spots, if your skin lacks that glow it’s easy to feel a little flat. There are several things that you can do to help bring that …

Why You Should be Using Dermalogica Active Moist

It’s no secret that we, here at Pure Beauty, are huge fans of all of the products we sell and would confidently recommend any of them to anyone who’s willing to listen. However, it’s not just us who loves them, as we can tell by the rave reviews we receive …

Ease sensitive skin with Dermalogica

Itching, stinging, burning, redness and peeling are all indictors of sensitive skin, a condition that can cause both pain and embarrassment. At Pure-Beauty our expert team is on hand to offer advice across a range of products aimed at helping calm and soothe sensitive skin so you can feel happy …