What Your Spots Are Telling You About The Rest of Your Body

spotsSpots. For many of us they’re a fact of life and although we do our best to combat them with the best cleansers and spot-fighting treatments out there, they keep coming back. It can be hugely frustrating when your daily routine is on point, so it may be worth considering the other factors which can contribute towards spots and looking at where your spots are might give you some clues.


Spots on the jawline can be painful and hard to hide, and according to experts, spots in these areas can be caused by having too many processed foods in your diet. Try to opt for whole fruits and veg, as well as unprocessed meats to help avoid congestion in the lower intestine, and hopefully keep your jawline blemish-free.


Spots on your chin, unfortunately, are usually hormonal and without getting rid of your monthly cycle, they’re pretty inevitable. Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep your system flushed, and opt for cleansing wipes  for use on spot-prone skin to help to clear away any bacteria from the skin.


At this time of year, sweat is a huge contributor to spots on the forehead, but the way you wear your hair can also contribute. Fringes and sweeping hair-dos are basically a delivery system for bacteria from sebum straight onto your forehead, so as well as keeping your face clean and exfoliated, keeping your hair clean with a good shampoo and conditioner is also vital.


Having spot-prone cheeks can be a real pain as it’s often the areas where they’re hardest to hide. Spots on the cheeks are usually triggered by something dietary, such as dairy or red meat, and going on an elimination diet (cutting out certain things week by week to see if it has an effect) can help to narrow down your triggers. Use a treatment like Dermalogica Spot Concealing Treatment to help to hide and heal any unsightly blemishes.

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