4 Ways That Showering is Making Your Skin Dry

  We’ve talked at length about all of the different things which dry our skin out, and in the winter it seems as though the whole world is conspiring to make us flaky. However, a lot of our customers report that their skin feels at it’s very driest after taking …

Give your skin a boost this winter with Dermalogica at Pure-Beauty

Every now and again we look in the mirror and sigh as we see a tired face staring back at us. Busy lives, endless demands and changing temperatures can play havoc with your skin, but thanks to the range of product we sell from Dermalogica, you can get things under …

Skin Focus – Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris may sound like some sort of tropical disease, but it is in fact a really common skin condition which affects many people all over the world. It’s characterised by areas of rough, raised skin which looks permanently goose-pimpled, usually affecting the upper arms, buttocks and thighs. It’s completely …