Un-Mask Your Beauty with Elemis

If you’re a regular here at beauty, you might have noticed that we now sell Elemis products, the award-winning skincare brand which offers powerful products with natural ingredients. Some of the best-selling products from Elemis are their masks which come in a range of varieties, each with a different targeted …

Product Focus: Dermalogica MAP-15 Regenerator

Every so often, we offer a product from our ranges which is so impressive that it deserves a post all of its own and this is definitely true of the anti-ageing wonder-product Dermalogica MAP-15 Regenerator. We thought we’d give you a comprehensive run-down of this product and exactly what it does …

Winter kindness from Dermalogica

For many of us, the cold crisp days of winter mean more than extra mugs of hot chocolate and a rosy glow. The down-turn in temperature can cause dryness to the face, feet and hands. Complexions can become dehydrated whilst flaking, cracking and eczema can cause pain and embarrassment. At …