Glycolic Acid VS Lactic Acid – Which is the Exfoliator For You?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) have become a staple in many skincare routines, offering a range of benefits from exfoliation to improved skin texture and tone. Two of the most popular AHAs are glycolic acid and lactic acid. While they share similarities, they also have distinct properties that …

Raise Your Beauty Game with Innovative Ingredients

Photo by Diane Serik on Unsplash From potent botanical extracts to cutting-edge biotechnology, the realm of skincare and cosmetics continually pushes boundaries to deliver remarkable results. With this in mind, we’re delving into the realm of innovative ingredients, exploring how they redefine beauty standards and transform skincare routines. Through meticulous …

Get Bedtime Right with Our Nighttime Beauty Products

Photo by Sora Shimazaki Here at Pure Beauty, we find that people seem to fall into three categories; those of us who fall into bed without giving our faces a second thought, those of us who have a comprehensive nighttime beauty routine that we perform without fail and then there …

A Moment on the Lips…

Photo by Sergey Chetvertnykh Winter can be particularly harsh on your lips, as the cold and dry air can strip away the natural moisture, leaving them vulnerable to dryness and chapping. The low humidity levels during winter can accelerate the evaporation of water from the delicate skin on the lips, …

What’s New at Pure Beauty?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska Thanks to the constant research and innovation which is going on behind the scenes of our favourite brands, we often have new products hitting our shelves. From the newest ingredients to the hottest skincare trends, we love updating our knowledge of these products and sharing our …