MediBac – the Dermalogica way to treat adult acne

There is nothing more disheartening than having to use an eye cream as well as spot cream as part of a grown up beauty regime. Popular belief is that acne is something suffered by teenagers, but the reality can be quite different. Problem skin can affect anyone at any age and …

Winter kindness from Dermalogica

For many of us, the cold crisp days of winter mean more than extra mugs of hot chocolate and a rosy glow. The down-turn in temperature can cause dryness to the face, feet and hands. Complexions can become dehydrated whilst flaking, cracking and eczema can cause pain and embarrassment. At …

Defeat Dryness with Dermalogica and Decleor

This time of year, when the weather starts to cool down and the central heating goes on, is the prime time for dry skin to develop which can leave your face and other areas feeling tight, itchy and uncomfortable. Dermalogica and Decleor have got moisturising products for every skin type …

Sooth your winter skin the Dermalogica way

Chilly mornings, sharp winds and changing weather conditions can all play havoc with your skin. As winter approaches you might find your skin becomes dull, itchy and dehydrated. Thanks to Dermalogica products you can winter proof your beauty routine and keep your skin happy and healthy. Whilst many of us …

Free Dermalogica products from Pure Beauty

Yes, you read it right, Pure-Beauty is currently offering customers free Dermalogica products. As the beach bags we gave away last month flew off the shelves, we have a new treat for you. So, how does it work? It is pretty easy. If you spend between £50.00 and £85.00 you get one free …