Introducing Dermalogica’s Newest Products

Every now and again, we add new products to our shelves, products that we feel really excited about sharing with our customers. This week, the products all come from Dermalogica and are from the Age Bright range. The Age Bright range is designed with two very specific purposes in mind …

Product Focus: Dermalogica Biolumin-C Serum

We love adding new products to our shelves, and we love telling you all about them even more. The latest product to come to Pure Beauty is a serum from Dermalogica called Dermalogica Biolumin-C Serum, but what does it do and who should be using it? Read on to find …

Free Skin Detox Gift Set and Free Dermalogica Candle at Pure Beauty

At Pure Beauty we like to say thank you for your loyalty and customer and what better why than to offer a free skin detox gift set when you spend £50 and a free Dermalogica candle when you spend more than £90. So, how does this work? Well, the offer …

Maintain a Winter Glow with Dermalogica and Decleor

It only seems like yesterday that we were frolicking around during one of the best summers for decades, feeling all tanned and glowing. Now, we’re well into winter and most of us have well and truly lost that glow. But, fear not – even if a tropical holiday is out …