Exercise and your Skin

Exercise, a word which always brings me mixed feelings. On one hand, I love the feeling I get after a good workout. Running outdoors and Pilates are my personal go to. But actually, getting to that good feeling, well that’s another set of emotions entirely.  Of course, we all know …

How to boost your immune system during these chaotic times

While hand washing, self-isolation and social distancing are the best ways to keep the coronavirus away, having a strong immune system is key to keeping you healthy at any time of the year. Your immune system basically protects you and your body from illness, but for it to look after …

Let Pure Beauty calm your skin

Whatever else is happening in the world right now, you need to look after your health, mental wellbeing and your skin. At Pure Beauty we stock a range of products that will soothe your skin and keep it soft, supple and looking fresh. With a luxurious, silicon-free texture, the Elemis …

How to Embrace Your Greys and Live Your Best Life!

Grey hair has been gaining popularity for a couple of years now, but the look seems to be most popular amongst younger women, choosing to dye their locks, rather than older women who are embracing their natural colour. However, with the likes of Jane Fonda and Sharon Osbourne proudly embracing …

What do you want exercise to do for you?

We all know that being more active is good for us, but if you have been out of the game for a while, knowing why you want to start again, can be half the battle to winning. With a wide range of classes and activities on offer, clubs around every …