What’s Inside the Dermalogica Festive Skin Essentials Kit?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song tells us, which is why we’re giving away a Dermalogica Festive Skin Essentials Kit for free, with every Dermalogica purchase over £70. It would make an amazing gift for someone you love, or even a special treat for …

Assessing Your Weekly Skin Routine

One of the most commonly asked questions by our clients is “what should my daily skincare routine be?”. While this is an important question, a lot of people tend to overlook the things which should be done on a weekly basis to keep their skin healthy. With this in mind, …

Pamper Your Pores

Taking care of the fundamentals is really important for good skin, and there’s nothing more fundamental than your pores. Humans have two types of pores, hair follicles and sweat pores, and it’s the hair follicles we’re concerned with as these create and secrete sebum. Pores can be problematic though, with …

How to Energise Your Skin

With the days getting shorter and colder, many of us are suffering with a real lack of energy, and this can show through our skin. Complexions can become dull, eye bags are darker than ever and dryness can also be an issue. There are, however, a whole load of products …

Repairing Damage from Bad Beauty Treatments

Unless you go to a highly reputable salon like Pure Beauty in Lichfield for certain beauty treatments, where the standard is beyond high, there’s a chance that you could walk away feeling less than satisfied. From iffy lashes to nasty nails, we’ve heard more than one horror story from people …