Great reasons to shop with Pure-Beauty in 2017

With Christmas celebrated and a fading memory and January being a time shake your beauty regime up, we thought we would remind you just why Pure-Beauty is a brilliant place to shop. Our salon is based in the Midlands, but we offer a nationwide service selling Dermalogica and Decleor products. At …

Sooth your winter skin the Dermalogica way

Chilly mornings, sharp winds and changing weather conditions can all play havoc with your skin. As winter approaches you might find your skin becomes dull, itchy and dehydrated. Thanks to Dermalogica products you can winter proof your beauty routine and keep your skin happy and healthy. Whilst many of us …

Life Changing Products from Dermalogica and Decleor

It’s easy for us to wax lyrical about all things Dermalogica and Decleor because not only do we love all of the products ourselves, we get regular emails from customers extolling their virtues too. However, there are products which pop up time and time again as things which people tell …

Let Dermalogica Put the Moisuture Back into Your Skin

Summer is always great fun but all that sun, sea and sand can play havoc with the moisture in your skin. Pure-Beauty is an authorised UK Dermalogica stockiest and we stock products that are used by consumers and beauty experts around the world, because they work. If you are looking …

Free Dermalogica products from Pure Beauty

Yes, you read it right, Pure-Beauty is currently offering customers free Dermalogica products. As the beach bags we gave away last month flew off the shelves, we have a new treat for you. So, how does it work? It is pretty easy. If you spend between £50.00 and £85.00 you get one free …