Combat Redness with Pure Beauty

There are a whole load of reasons for redness on the face, many of which can be easily combatted by using the right product. Here at Pure Beauty we’ve got a whole arsenal of anti-redness products to choose from so we thought we’d tell you about five of our favourites, …

Say bye to sensitive skin with Dermalogica

Sensitive skin blights the lives of many and it can be painful and noticeable, causing embarrassment and stress. Red patches, dryness, blemishes, itchy patches, tingles, tightness and stinging can all be classed as sensitive skin and at Pure Beauty we can help. We stock the Ultra Calming System from Dermalogica, a …

Defeat Dryness with Dermalogica and Decleor

This time of year, when the weather starts to cool down and the central heating goes on, is the prime time for dry skin to develop which can leave your face and other areas feeling tight, itchy and uncomfortable. Dermalogica and Decleor have got moisturising products for every skin type …

Free Dermalogica products from Pure Beauty

Yes, you read it right, Pure-Beauty is currently offering customers free Dermalogica products. As the beach bags we gave away last month flew off the shelves, we have a new treat for you. So, how does it work? It is pretty easy. If you spend between £50.00 and £85.00 you get one free …

How to Treat Sunburn

It would be really easy to lecture you all on not getting burned but if the yearly photos of Brits abroad looking like lobsters tells us anything it’s that sunburn DOES happen. If you do happen to be unlucky enough to end up burnt, how you care for yourself after …