Grab a Gift with Dermalogica

Here at Pure Beauty, we all agree that the only thing better than beauty products are FREE beauty products! Such is our love for a bargain that we have a whole host of Dermalogica skin kits available for free with purchases over £65 and the best part is, you’re free …

Product Focus: Dermalogica Stress Positive Eye Lift

One of the largest contributor to the signs of ageing across a lifetime is stress. It’s one of those things which most people have to deal with at some point or another during their lives and although some of us are equipped to deal with it better than others, it …

Product Focus: Dermalogica MAP-15 Regenerator

Every so often, we offer a product from our ranges which is so impressive that it deserves a post all of its own and this is definitely true of the anti-ageing wonder-product Dermalogica MAP-15 Regenerator. We thought we’d give you a comprehensive run-down of this product and exactly what it does …

Five Reasons You Need Dermalogica Daily Resurfacer In Your Life

There are certain products that we sell here at Pure Beauty that we seem to be able to talk about endlessly, simply because they’re so great, and the Dermalogica Daily Resurfacer is one of them. It’s £57.50 per pot, which may seem like a lot of money for a beauty …

Best Dermalogica Sellers at Pure-Beauty

If you are looking to try Dermalogica for the first time, or want to add a new product into your established beauty routine, why not consider something from our top selling list? If you are looking for super-clean, super-healthy skin, how about trying Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel? Naturally foaming Quillaja Saponaria removes …