Five Reasons Why Dermalogica Nightly Lip Treatment and Lip Renewal Complex are the ULTIMATE Lip Savers

There are literally millions of people in the world who still use only petroleum jelly on their lips to treat dryness, despite the fact that petroleum-derived products are proved to exacerbate dryness. Here at Pure Beauty, we think we’ve hit on the ultimate combination of our lips, using both Dermalogica …

Transform Your Skin Overnight

Night creams are a really great way to give your skin some extra help; you usually apply them before bed and sleep in them, which means you’re able to use richer creams which don’t soak in immediately or need to work with make-up. Recently, we’ve added a new night cream …

Pure Beauty is the home of Sunday night treats

Ever get to the end of the weekend and feel more stressed than you did on Friday afternoon? With busy social lives, the demands of family and friends as well as checking in on social media and emails, it is little surprise that Sunday is no longer a day of …

Make Sunday night spa night with Pure Beauty

Rather than watching TV, catching up on emails or doing the ironing, why not make Sunday night a spa night in 2017? End the weekend with a little bit of pampering so that you go to bed feeling relaxed and ready for the week ahead? Run a bath, put some …