Spa at home with Dermalogica

Ask many women what their ideal treat would be and we imagine many would say a spa treatment. Whilst we do have a salon based in Litchfield we understand that you don’t always have the time to visit and actually might not be that close by, but don’t worry, we …

Unwind with Dermalogica

The presents have been unwrapped, the food has been eaten, cocktails mixed and drunk and now is the time to sit back and relax. It is quite likely that the stresses and strains for the past few weeks plus the late nights and champagne will have taken a toil on …

Get started with Dermalogica

Every week it seems there are new beauty products coming onto the market that promise to keep your skin looking healthy and young as well as being kind to the environment and your pocket. It is little wonder that many people simply don’t know where to start when it comes …

Quick guide to the perfect home pamper session.

Poor sleep and stress dramatically reduces our work rate and enjoyment of life, so if the daily grind has been getting you down, a quick all over body pamper might be just the thing to revitalise you. While it can be lovely to indulge in a pamper session at a …

Don’t let the winter nights drag

As the cold weather seems to be creeping up on us you tend to find that the evenings drag and there’s nothing much to do and until Christmas is here there’s not a lot on TV either. Why don’t you forget about the darkness outside and run a relaxing bath …