Make Father’s Day Special with Dermalogica

With Father’s Day just around the corner, you might be stuck for ideas of how to say thank you? Forget character socks and sugar loaded chocolates; why not go for a little bit of 21st century male pampering? At Pure-Beauty we have a number of products that will make any …

Cleanse, tone and moisturise with Dermalogica

Whether you have dry, acne prone or ageing skin, if you cleanse, tone and moisturise morning and night, you’ll give you complexion the best chance to glow. Cleansing is key to beautiful skin and shouldn’t be missed however tired you are at the end of the day. Not only does it …

Which Dermalogica moisturiser is right for you?

We all know that using a moisturiser is key to any effective beauty regime. The problem many people have is knowing which one is right for them as there is so much choice. Whilst some of us have oily skin, others suffer with a more sensitive complexion and then there are those …

Fix adult acne with Dermalogica

Think spots are just for teens? Think again. Women, and men, in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond not only have to deal with the signs of aging but acne at the same time. Stress and hormones plus a Vitamin D deficiency and pollution are just some of the causes …

Restore Your Radiance with Decleor and Dermalogica

It seems, dare we say it, that Spring is finally here, which means that we can finally start throwing off the winter layers and start dressing a little less like an Inuit just to pop to the local shop. With all of the covering up we do in winter, there’s …