Body Therapy from Dermalogica

We often think about pampering our faces because that is what the world sees most of the time. With spring in the air and the clocks going forwards this weekend, at Pure Beauty we are getting our bodies ready for the warmer spring days too. As well as a healthy diet, plenty …

Cleanse your face the right way with Dermalogica

We all remember our mums telling us wash our face every morning and every night. Whilst we might have rolled our eyes, it turns out mum was right because cleansing is critical to having healthy looking  skin that feels great. Daily facial washing removes impurities to give the skin a …

Dermalogica Skin Kits – Body Therapy

Beauty is about so much more than your face and Dermalogica’s Body Therapy range contains a number of products to keep the skin on your body in tip-top condition. Dermalogica’s skin kits are a great way to try specific products from a range which is perfect for you, especially as …

Clean the Dermalogica Way

It seems that taking care of your skin has become increasingly complicated these days thanks to the endless products on the market and advice coming from the media. From basic care to expensive salon products and visits, it is easy to get confused about just what you need to do to keep …

Combat oily skin with Dermalogica

Are you fed up of having a shiny face in photographs and sick of your make-up being smear by the end of the day? Whilst we need oil in our skin to keep it healthy and moistures, too much of it is a very common complaint and one that can be …