Detox Your Body for the New Year

We all tend to over-do things between Christmas and New Year, consuming far too much in the way of rich foods and alcohol and having a ‘January Detox’ is an almost yearly occurance to try to undo all the excesses of December. Here at Pure Beauty, we also think that …

The secret to perfect eye make up

Not since the 80’s has eye makeup seemed so vibrant, colourful and exotic; there is so much time devoted to it in beauty magazines and the many online photo sharing websites that allow people to display their handiwork or collect ideas. Pinterest is packed with boards full of ways to …

Top cosmetics you’ll want to find in your stocking this Christmas

Although there are so many things that can go into a Christmas stocking, a lot of people either don’t bother with them at all or, if they do, just fill them full of sweets, because it’s easy, and present them to their loved ones on Christmas morning. Generally, if people …