Spring is Coming – Are Your Feet Ready?

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels For many of us, footcare is something which only really happens during the warmer, sandal-wearing months, and goes largely neglected while our feet are stuffed into boots and socks. But this means that by the time Spring rolls around, there are a lot of …

New Year, New Skincare Routine

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels The beginning of a new year is often a time where people want to make a change, start something new or make a pledge to overhaul an old behaviour. New Year’s resolutions are usually started with the best intentions but don’t always make it past …

How to Gua Sha

The use of skincare tools has really grown in popularity, with Gua Sha being one of the most frequently used at home tools. What is Gua Sha? Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that has been around for centuries. ‘Gua’ means ‘scrape’ and ‘Sha’ means ‘sand’. It is …

Autumn/Winter Skincare Suggestions

When you feel as if your skin is dry, dehydrated and sensitive from the turning of the seasons, what is the best thing to do? I would always suggest if you’re in a right pickle, then go and see a trained Beauty Therapist. They can shed some light on why …

UpCircle Brand Focus

Back in 2015, the founders of UpCircle had a thought: if we’re all throwing away a cafetière full of coffee grounds every morning, how much is going to waste from coffee shops all over London? So they decided to do something about it. UpCircle was born through the idea of …