Dealing with Stress the Pure Beauty Way

Most of us are aware that stress can have a profound effect on our bodies in lots of different ways, and the skin is one of the main places to suffer. From dryness to wrinkles to redness, stressed out skin is a real issue but fortunately we’ve got several products …

How to Deal with Ingrown Hairs

There are very few people on the planet who’ve ever managed to avoid ingrown hairs – whether you’re male or female, there’s a good chance that you remove hair from some part of your body by either shaving, waxing, threading or some other method and this automatically increases your risk …

Detox with Pure Beauty

It’s not just your diet and drinking habits that might need an overhaul after the excess of Christmas and New Year, your skin might be in need of a detox too. By looking at your diet, sleep routine and exercise, your should get your skin in shape, but today we …

Perfect Your Pout this Winter

There’s absolutely no doubt about the fact that big pouts are IN at the moment, but unless you’re going for Kardashian-style lip filling injections, you may feel like your lips leave you feeling a little bit flat. There are, however, a few things you can do to make your pout …

Free Skin Detox Gift Set and Free Dermalogica Candle at Pure Beauty

At Pure Beauty we like to say thank you for your loyalty and customer and what better why than to offer a free skin detox gift set when you spend £50 and a free Dermalogica candle when you spend more than £90. So, how does this work? Well, the offer …