Cooking Christmas Dinner Without Losing Your Cool

Christmas Day is fast approaching, and while that means presents and fun for the younger members of the family, for many of us it means spending hours in the kitchen, slaving over a hot stove. Even if you enjoy cooking, Christmas dinner is enough to get anyone hot and bothered, …

Keep an eye on the time

The delicate skin around the eyes is the first place to see the signs of ageing. This is partly because this skin in this area is one tenth as thick as the rest of your face making it is more susceptible to looking inflamed, grey, tired and lined. Doesn’t sound …

Free Dermalogica products from Pure Beauty

Yes, you read it right, Pure-Beauty is currently offering customers free Dermalogica products. As the beach bags we gave away last month flew off the shelves, we have a new treat for you. So, how does it work? It is pretty easy. If you spend between £50.00 and £85.00 you get one free …