You should feel the benefit of your moisturiser all day long

Moisturising should be the final part of any skin care regime, although for some people it’s the only part of their skin care regime – but we won’t go into that – but the good thing is that it’s also the most important. It doesn’t matter what kind of life …

What a good moisturiser can do for your skin

Our skin has a natural protective barrier designed to reduce moisture loss and offer protection from the elements. Unfortunately, many aggressive environmental factors can compromise this layer, leaving the skin vulnerable to moisture loss and irritation. Even soap and water can strip the skin of moisture and protection, making it …

Are your fine lines signs of age or dehydration?

Many of us dread the appearance of fine lines on our faces; we associate those creases around the eyes or the mouth with the onset of ageing, as the skin begins to lose elasticity and volume. If you have noticed those lines on your own complexion, think about what exactly …

Dryness can affect anyone

Although there are millions of people whose skin is prone to excessive dryness, skin dehydration really can affect anyone at any time of the year. Many people are of the opinion that skin is only really susceptible to becoming dry when climatic conditions are harsh, and whilst very hot and …

Avoiding skin dehydration

Skin which feels thoroughly dry and dehydrated is a problem which many people find themselves faced with, and it’s something which can strike the skin of those of all ages. Although it’s true to say that there those who are prone to suffering with dehydrated skin, due to their skin …