Getting Ready for Christmas the Pure Beauty Way

Here at Pure Beauty, we like to keep thing simple while making ourselves feel as amazing as possible and Christmas is no exception. However, Christmas is such a busy time of year that our getting ready time is often cut into by all the other things that need doing. However, …

The sun has got his hat on so protect your skin

With temperatures hotting up, it is only natural to shed those winter layers and let our skin soak up the sun. While this is great for topping up often depleted Vitamin D levels, those UV rays can easily damage the skin and lead to serious health conditions as well as causing …

The Lazy Girls Guide to Beauty

If you’re the kinda girl who wants to look her best but struggles to find the enthusiasm for the endless primping and preening, you may find that life is a constant battle between looking like the Crazy Cat Lady from The Simpsons and actually putting in a little bit of …