Free Skin Detox Gift Set and Free Dermalogica Candle at Pure Beauty

At Pure Beauty we like to say thank you for your loyalty and customer and what better why than to offer a free skin detox gift set when you spend £50 and a free Dermalogica candle when you spend more than £90. So, how does this work? Well, the offer …

Give your skin a boost this winter with Dermalogica at Pure-Beauty

Every now and again we look in the mirror and sigh as we see a tired face staring back at us. Busy lives, endless demands and changing temperatures can play havoc with your skin, but thanks to the range of product we sell from Dermalogica, you can get things under …

Love your sensitive skin

For many it can be problematic, embarrassing and expensive, but with the right products, you can learn to love your sensitive skin. Signs of sensitive skin include tightness, uneven texture, flakiness, dehydration, reactions to the weather, blemishes and so many other irritations. At Pure-Beauty we offer a range of products …

Pure Beauty is the home of Sunday night treats

Ever get to the end of the weekend and feel more stressed than you did on Friday afternoon? With busy social lives, the demands of family and friends as well as checking in on social media and emails, it is little surprise that Sunday is no longer a day of …

Autumn the Dermalogica way at Pure Beauty

With the last bank holiday behind us (how did that happen?), schools starting for the new term and holiday makers putting their cases back in the loft, our attention is shifting to autumn. This is a time for new beginnings, long walks in the leaves, scarves and jackets in the …