Moisturisers to calm and soothe sensitive skin

Each and every one of us has a different skin type with its own unique quirks and issues. For people who are prone to sensitive skin, the slightest change in weather, perfume, products and even washing powder can lead to redness, irritation and itching. While we can’t control the seasons, …

Treat Your Mum to Perfect Skin this Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, many of us are starting to think about the lovely things that we want to buy our mums to say thank you for being in our lives. As far as we’re concerned, there is no better way to say thanks to our mums …

Three of the best peels for professional results at home

We know that you can pop into a salon and have a professional peel carried out, but we don’t always have the time to do this so it’s good to know you can get the same results at home if you use the right products. We are big believers in …

Get to grips with problem skin at Pure Beauty

We bet that anyone you talk to, however confident they seem and comfortable they appear to be, will have a skin issue or problem that gets them down. Dark circles. Fine lines. Sagging skin. Spots. Pigmentation. Whatever it is, someone other than you will be dealing with it. We are …

Add a little vitamin love to your skin in 2020

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are now set for a new decade? At Pure Beauty we know that it’s important to eat a healthy diet if you want a clear complexion, but you can add to your good work by using beauty products that are packed with …