Exfoliate your way to healthy skin

As well as cleansing, toning and moisturising your skin, if you want to keep it in the very best condition, exfoliation needs to be part of your beauty regime. There are three types of exfoliation: manual, enzyme and chemical and the main benefits of this process are: It improves the texture and …

Forget anti-aging fads and try something that works

Nowadays there are so many anti-aging treatments out there it’s hard to know where to start. Whether you’re into super foods or surgical treatments to wipe away the years there are so many options out there it’s really not easy to distinguish between the ones that actually work and the …

Facials to keep your skin looking great

It is always a real treat to visit a skincare professional for a facial or skincare treatment, but you can treat your skin every single day by using Dermalogica skincare products. While the professional facial gives your complexion a boost , a good daily routine will have an additional beneficial …