You may be under the impression that acne only affects teenagers, but actually clinical studies have shown that up to 40% of adults aged 20-40 have some form of acne. Acne can vary in severity from small pimples to large, cystic, painful lumps and it can also contribute to feelings of depression. There are, however, lots of things which can contribute to adult acne and addressing the causes can help to reverse it. Here are five of them:
Obviously, your hormones are often the number one cause of adult acne. If you’re using birth control, it might be worth speaking to your GP to see if this could be making things worse, and opting for a non-hormone based form of contraception might make a difference. In the meantime, Dermalogica Breakout Control can help to minimise spots as and when they occur.
Another major cause of adult acne is stress, as it triggers all sorts of reactions in the body which can manifest themselves on the skin. When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands produce cortisol, as well as a tiny bit of testosterone, and this is where the acne comes from. If you struggle with stress, treat yourself to a massage using some Elemis De-Stress Massage Oil.
One of the simplest causes of acne can be that you’re just using the wrong skincare. Some people find their acne easier to manage when they’re using acne-specific products like those in the Dermalogica MediBac Clearing Starter Kit, and let’s face it, you’ve got nothing to lose by trying something different.
We’ve all heard people say that eating junk can cause acne, and while that’s largely untrue, sugar can have an effect, just not in the way that most people think. When we eat sugar, the body releases insulin to help us to process it, and raised insulin levels may boost those oil-triggering male hormones. Try to stick to a low GI diet to avoid sugars triggering your skin issues.
A lot of acne sufferers report having dealt with stigma because of their skin problems, and that having acne makes them feel ‘unclean’, which sometimes triggers a cycle of OVERwashing, and this in itself can make things worse. Acne-prone skin often has some underlying dryness, and too much washing will strip the skin of natural oils, which could then cause the skin’s oil-production glands to go into overdrive. Try to use an acne-specific cleanser like Dermalogica Foaming Wash which will help you to maintain balance.