Skin Kits from Dermalogica

Trying a new skincare range can be daunting. Maybe you have been using the same brand for years. It works, the price is right and it leaves your skin feeling good. However, sometimes good doesn’t cut it, you want to try something new but we understand it can be tricky to know …

Summer skincare with Dermalogica

Finally, summer is here in the UK. We have waited patiently for the sun to come out and the clouds to drift away, but this doesn’t mean you can throw caution to the wind and forget about looking after your skin. Whilst it is tempting to bare all and let …

Cleanse your face the right way with Dermalogica

We all remember our mums telling us wash our face every morning and every night. Whilst we might have rolled our eyes, it turns out mum was right because cleansing is critical to having healthy looking  skin that feels great. Daily facial washing removes impurities to give the skin a …