Don’t let a big night out lead to a big breakout

Organising a big night out on the town with all of those friends which you haven’t seen for what feels like an absolute lifetime is a great way of catching up and having tonnes of fun at the same time, and it will also give you something to look forward …

Weather and Stock Update – 06/12/2010

Further to our blog post dated 02/12/2010, and the update provided on 03/12/2010  regarding the weather and stock issues, we would like to further update our customers on the current situation. Although the weather is still very severe in some places Dermalogica UK are back up to full capacity processing …

Weather and Stock Update – 03/12/2010

Further to our blog post dated 02/12/2010 regarding the weather and stock issues we would like to update our customers on the current situation. We have received confirmation that Dermalogica UK are back up and running even though with a limited number of staff but they have managed to process …