Choose a better quality concealer

When spots decide to make their presence known, a concealer can be something of a Godsend, as more often than not, foundation alone isn’t enough to keep things covered. Step into any beauty store, and you probably won’t be able to move for concealers. It goes without saying that you’ll …

Choose a clever product to conceal

A huge proportion of us find ourselves faced with spots at some point or another, and when they are faced with spots, rather than leave them unattended, a huge proportion of people choose to conceal. Some old-fashioned, stick-style concealers are known for being less than discreet, and as well as …

Conceal spots without encouraging bacteria

In the past, when spots struck, the general consensus was that they should be left alone and not covered under layers and layers of cosmetics, and this often left individuals with a choice to make- leave spots alone and feel unconfident about skin, or cover them up and risk making …

Concealing spots without irritating them

When you’re looking to conceal spots, the last thing which you’ll want to do is irritate them, make them look even more noticeable and make them stick around for even longer, although unless you’re very careful, this could be a real possibility. Even though concealers have come on leaps and …