Concealing spots without making them worse

When spots strike, concealing them is the first concern for many, and provided you’re using a suitable product to conceal, there’s no reason why you need to leave them completely uncovered. Using a concealing product can help to restore skin confidence in many of us, although this confidence might be …

Why your clumpy old concealer could be doing more harm than good

For many, a concealer always has pride of place in their makeup bag, as it’s pretty much impossible to know when a spot or blemish might decide to strike, so it always pays to be prepared. When you only use your concealer very occasionally though, it can last for a …

Treating and concealing spots simultaneously

The appearance of a spot leads to many people heading straight for the make up bag and straight for the concealer, and the use of this concealer continues until said spot finally decides to disappear. Waiting for a stubborn spot to disappear can really drag on, and even when it’s …

Is it essential to let spots run their course?

When it comes to dealing with spots, there are often very conflicting opinions regarding the best way of treating them and the best way of ensuring that they disappear as quickly as possible, and with so many different opinions flying around, things can get very confusing. We all know that …

Don’t let your complexion give you a complex

The appearance of even one solitary spot can really put a dent in the confidence of some, so you can only begin to imagine just how deflated the appearance of major a breakout could make you feel. Whether your skin is prone to regular or just the odd breakout, the …