A good cleanser equals a good complexion

With cleansing being the first part of many people’s skincare regime, it’s really important to give the skin a good start- which means that it’s important to ensure that you’re using the right cleanser. It may sound a little dramatic, but the cleanser which you use really can make all …

Why your skin care doesn’t have to involve soap

If you’re from the school of thought that getting skin clean should always involve the use of soap, you should really think again, as using soap could actually do more harm than good. It can be all too easy to pick up the nearest bar of soap which is lying …

How much of a part does cleanser play?

Though the majority of people are well aware of just how important cleansing the skin twice a day is, what many don’t understand is just how important it is to invest in a cleanser which is perfect for their skin, and with so many different types of cleansers currently available, …

Start with a good cleanser

There’s little point in investing in the most expensive moisturiser that money can buy if you’re not cleansing your skin with a good product, and as cleansing is generally the first step in most people’s skin care regimes, it’s definitely one of the first things which you need to look …