Provide your pores with adequate breathing space

Although you need to make sure that all of the skin care products which you use as part of your daily skincare regime do their job properly, when it comes to keeping spots and blemishes at bay, the use of a good cleanser is a must. Good cleansers aren’t just …

Cleanse without stripping your skin of the essentials

Cleansing the skin at least twice a day is essential in keeping skin in tip top condition and in keeping spots at bay, although you do need to make sure that you’re cleansing properly. In a bid to prevent spots from making an unwelcome appearance, many people believe that they …

Don’t dismiss the importance of removing make up before bed

Lots of women wear make up every day, as even if the day is just being spent sat behind your computer screen at work, it can boost your confidence and really perk up your look. At the end of a long day in the office though, once you’ve rustled up …

Quick cleansing CAN be efficient cleansing

After a long day- whether it’s been spent shopping hard or working hard- your skin can feel really clogged and grimy- and when you consider what it will have been exposed to, this comes as no surprise really. Wearing cosmetics for hours on end can also leave the skin feeling …

A good cleanser can keep your skin in good condition

Cleansing is an essential part of every individual’s skin care regime, and it’s essential in keeping the skin in peak condition. As there are thousands of different cleansers on the skin care market at the moment though, it can unfortunately be really easy to find yourself using the wrong type …