Starting out with Dermalogica

  The teenage years can be challenging for so many reasons. From friends and social media to the latest trainers and best selfies, the list is endless. Puberty is also part of the mix. It causes bodies to change, moods to be unpredictable and an increase the production of sebum (oil secreted …

What Your Spots Are Telling You About The Rest of Your Body

Spots. For many of us they’re a fact of life and although we do our best to combat them with the best cleansers and spot-fighting treatments out there, they keep coming back. It can be hugely frustrating when your daily routine is on point, so it may be worth considering …

Clean the Dermalogica Way

It seems that taking care of your skin has become increasingly complicated these days thanks to the endless products on the market and advice coming from the media. From basic care to expensive salon products and visits, it is easy to get confused about just what you need to do to keep …

Give your skin a boost thanks to Pure Beauty

Radiant, glowing skin is a never ending beauty trend and a feature on the fashion runway season after season. At Pure Beauty we not only offer great in-salon treatments but also products that can be used at home that offer excellent results and keep your skin looking and feeling fabulous and boosted …