Don’t allow ageing to be a problem

Your skin suffers every day, from pollution, the sun, smoking and simply the passing of time. As you get older and it is starting to become clear that your skin’s had a lot to deal with over the years the skin around your eyes is probably a real let down …

There’s no need to let spots hang around

Everyone hates spots, that’s almost a guaranteed fact but when it comes to what you should do with them there are often a few conflicting views. Some people try and treat them with every product they have available to get rid of them as fast as possible; others leave them …

Never forget your feet

When it comes to skin care a lot of people forget about their feet even though they are one of the most used parts of the body. When you’re squeezing your feet into the highest heels that you have for a day in the office or a night out you …

Let Dermalogica help you through Winter

Winter’s a bad time for everyone; no one has any money after the splurges of Christmas and everyone’s trying to make their way through what is probably the most depressing month of the year. If the long, dark days are really starting to get you down though there is one …

Only use the best concealers

Everyone has a problem with spots at some point in their lives but for people that get them on a regular basis, the problem is huge. Spots are unsightly, pretty much everyone will agree with that and rather than treating them and then leaving them to disappear on their own …