There’s no need to let spots hang around

Everyone hates spots, that’s almost a guaranteed fact but when it comes to what you should do with them there are often a few conflicting views. Some people try and treat them with every product they have available to get rid of them as fast as possible; others leave them …

Dermalogica treats adult acne

Hormones play an enormous part in the cause of acne. This is why around 90% of teenagers will develop acne in some form when they hit puberty. Hormones as a teenager is one thing, it causes them a lot of stress and seriously harms their self-confidence but there are a …

Which Dermalogica system will work best for you? Part 2

In the last article, we started to take a look at the Dermalogica skin care systems available at Pure Beauty Online, and underlined the importance of matching the right system to an individual’s skin type. In this article, we will continue on the same subject and look at the remaining …

Don’t dry out your skin when trying to tackle spots

Whether you do battle with spots on a regular or occasional basis, one thing which is a certainty is that you will want to zap them as quickly and easily as possible. However, some people find that when they’re trying to clear blemishes, they sacrifice hydration, although this doesn’t have …

Is it essential to let spots run their course?

When it comes to dealing with spots, there are often very conflicting opinions regarding the best way of treating them and the best way of ensuring that they disappear as quickly as possible, and with so many different opinions flying around, things can get very confusing. We all know that …