Pamper Your Pores

Taking care of the fundamentals is really important for good skin, and there’s nothing more fundamental than your pores. Humans have two types of pores, hair follicles and sweat pores, and it’s the hair follicles we’re concerned with as these create and secrete sebum. Pores can be problematic though, with …

How to Minimise Your Acne Scars

Acne is one of the most common facial skin conditions, affecting  up to 80% of people in the UK in their teen years, according to the NHS website. Fortunately, most people grow out of it, with just 5% of sufferers dealing with breakouts beyond the age of 25, but even …

Feed your face at Pure Beauty

Ever wake up in the morning and feel that you skin just hasn’t recovered from the day before? The long, cold winter months, air conditioning, heating and pollution as well as stress, eating on the go and not drinking enough water, can all lead to our complexions suffering and being, well, …