Combat oily skin with Dermalogica

Are you fed up of having a shiny face in photographs and sick of your make-up being smear by the end of the day? Whilst we need oil in our skin to keep it healthy and moistures, too much of it is a very common complaint and one that can be …

Get started with Dermalogica

Every week it seems there are new beauty products coming onto the market that promise to keep your skin looking healthy and young as well as being kind to the environment and your pocket. It is little wonder that many people simply don’t know where to start when it comes …

Shave the Professional Way with Dermalogica

Facial hair grows, on average, around one-third to half of a millimetre everyday and for a clean shave the most effective approach is to keep the blades flat against, but not pressing into your skin, so the razor can work effectively. Using a light touch and good quality products will not …

Help from Dermalogica throughout the day – morning

For a lot of people a coffee and an apple in the morning really isn’t enough to get them going for the day ahead and many people are left craving an extra boost that will see them through until lunch time. Lucky for you Dermalogica have a number of products …