Achieving the perfect complexion without foundation

Foundation is a Godsend for many of us, and is the quick and easy route to smooth and flawless looking skin. However, there are times- for instance, when it’s warm and when you’re working- when some foundations can feel a little too heavy on the skin. Unless you’re blessed with …

Dealing with break outs

People of all ages can suffer from break outs, and although there are daily preventative measures that we can take, the inevitable does sometimes happen! If you do suffer from a breakout, there’s no need to panic or reach for the nearest paper bag, as there are plenty of ways …

Taking your makeup off

We all know that taking our makeup off at the end of the day is an absolute must. Apart from the fact that nobody wants to wake up to panda eyes and a pillow smeared with mascara and foundation, leaving your makeup on can have long lasting and negative effects …