What is Slow Beauty and Why Should I Be Taking Notice?

2019 has well and truly been a year for new beauty movements, from Korean-inspired K-Beauty to Japanese inspired J-Beauty and everything in between, we feel like we learnt a lot about what beauty really means. Although the concept of Slow Beauty may seem like a new one, it’s actually been …

5 Common Eye Issues and How to Deal with Them

The eyes are one of the most common areas for women to have complaints about their appearance, and the problems they report are numerous. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a look at five of the most common problems to affect the eye area and give you some …

How to Layer Your Skincare Like a Pro

Although we sell a lot of products which are multifunctional, it’s rare to find a single product which does absolutely everything to look after your skin. Anyone who know anything about skincare agrees that a multi-product approach is key, but are you layering your products in a way that offers …

How to Keep Dry, Sensitive Skin Happy

There’s a common misconception that dry skin is easy to treat – slap on a bit of moisturiser and your skin will be fine, right? Well, actually, dry skin can be a lot more complicated than that, with sensitivity and even conditions such as rosacea going hand in hand. Sufferers …

Why Prebiotic Beauty Should Be Part of Your Routine

We’ve all heard of probiotics, either the little drinks that you can buy in the supermarket to help your tummy or the pills you can take to aid your inner wellbeing. But as well as probiotics, using prebiotics can also be beneficial, especially to your skin. Prebiotics are a type …