Detox with Pure Beauty

It’s not just your diet and drinking habits that might need an overhaul after the excess of Christmas and New Year, your skin might be in need of a detox too. By looking at your diet, sleep routine and exercise, your should get your skin in shape, but today we …

Scrub up with Pure Beauty

Cleanse, tone and moisturise are the beauty routine mantra many swear by, but adding a little scrubbing into the mix can be a good thing. Far from upsetting the skin and making it red and raw, the right scrub for your skin can really revitalise it and bring it back …

Rehydrate your skin at Pure Beauty

We know we need to drink plenty of water to keep ourselves hydrated so we prevent dizziness and headaches, but in the hot summer months, and when we go on holiday, our skin needs a little help in this area too. At Pure-Beauty we stock a range of fantastic products …