Step into spring with stunning skin

This winter seems to have dragged on forever, although now that we’re into March there’s finally light at the end of the tunnel, and spring is hopefully set to make an appearance very soon. As the weather this winter has been so harsh, and as thick snow and ice was …

Don’t let cold weather catch you unaware

OK, so the snow and ice might have shifted from just about everywhere in the UK, but unfortunately you never know when icy conditions and ice cold temperatures might rear their ugly heads again, therefore it’s very important not to be lured into a false sense of security. If you’ve …

What makes Dermalogica such a popular choice?

Everyone wants to be the proud owner of skin which looks permanently amazing, and the skin care regime which you follow plays a huge part in achieving this. Far too many people are guilty of using skin care products which just aren’t suitable, and time, money and confusion can all …

What should you think about when assessing your skin care regime?

Do you feel that you could really benefit from putting a little extra effort into your skin care regime yet have no idea what you should be looking for in terms of areas which could benefit from a little improvement? If so, just by carefully assessing a few key areas, …