What products are best for rehydrating skin?

Dry skin is a very common problem which those in many different age brackets and from all walks of life can find themselves having to put up with. As there are so many great skin care products out there at the moment though, there is no valid reason why any …

What does looking after skin properly involve?

We all want to be sure that we’re looking after our skin properly and looking after skin as best we can, although with so much advice floating about and with so many different products available, it can be really difficult to know what regime to follow and what products to …

The popularity of Dermalogica skin care products

Look in any good beauty or women’s magazine or website, and there’s a very good chance that there’ll be a rave review of a Dermalogica product somewhere- that’s how popular these products are. There are several reasons why Dermalogica skin care products are likely to have proved immensely popular over …

Avoiding skin dehydration

Skin which feels thoroughly dry and dehydrated is a problem which many people find themselves faced with, and it’s something which can strike the skin of those of all ages. Although it’s true to say that there those who are prone to suffering with dehydrated skin, due to their skin …