Big spot before a big event? Don’t panic!

Why spots always decide to grace us with their hugely unwanted presence right before a big event we will never know, although one thing we do know is that it is incredibly irritating. Most of us have experienced that awful moment of panic when wake up, head to the mirror, …

Clearing up spots quickly

If you regularly find yourself struggling to control a less than clear complexion, it’s safe to say that you are probably always on the hunt for ways to clear breakouts up as quickly as possible. However, there is often a very fine line between clearing up breakouts quickly and making …

Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment

Dermalogica Concealing Spot Treatment is an intense treatment with a natural-looking tint that quickly targets, conceals and helps clear breakouts and is ideal for day time use. Upon contact, concentrated Sulfur and Zinc Oxide help clear skin by eliminating bacteria associated with acne while clearing excess oil and congestion in …

Embrace the natural look with Dermalogica Spot Concealing Treatment

When spots or blemishes appear, it can be all too easy to reach for the thickest foundation and concealer in a bid to cover them up and feel better about your skin. However, unless you’re extremely careful, layering these products on the skin could actually make it look worse, and …