What are the best ways of controlling excessively oily skin?

Excessively oily skin can be just as tricky as excessively dry skin to control- that is, unless you know the right ways to control the condition. Without the correct knowledge, and without being armed with the correct products to control excessively oily skin, it can feel as if you are …

Oily skin still needs to be regularly moisturised

It can be all too easy to commit skin sins in an attempt to keep excessively oily skin under control, and one of the most commonly committed sins is failing to moisturise skin. Some people wrongly believe that moisturising excessively oily skin will worsen the condition, although whilst this could …

Your moisturiser shouldn’t interfere with your makeup

Spending an absolute age carefully applying cosmetics only to find that it is starts to slide off your face just minutes after you’ve applied it is incredibly annoying, although if you’ve spent a pretty penny on top quality products, it might be that another culprit is to blame. One of …