The end of summer doesn’t mean the end of skin protection

With summer rapidly drawing to a close, many people are starting to accept that we may how have seen the best of the good old British summer, and are starting to think about their autumn/winter wardrobe. Whether you experienced the beautiful weather which a large proportion of the UK was …

Loose Women presenter reveals one of her must-have beauty products

If you’ve ever seen daytime TV programme Loose Women, you will know that the presenters on the show certainly aren’t backwards in coming forwards, and whilst none of the ladies could be described as the shy and retiring type, Carol McGiffin definitely stands out as being the livewire of the …

Protecting skin isn’t just for the ladies

We are all now fully aware of the importance of protecting the skin against the sun’s rays on a daily basis- whatever the time of year- and whilst more and more ladies are realising that incorporating a sun screen into their skin care regime is vital, some men are unfortunately …