How to cope with oily skin this summer

If your skin is excessively oily it can be difficult to look after at the best of times, but it can get even trickier when the temperatures rise. Keeping your make-up in place and preventing a shiny face can be hard, tempting you to reapply your make-up frequently throughout the …

Great foundation for year-round coverage

For those of us who suffer from blemish-prone skin, uneven skin tone or acne scars and redness, finding a good foundation that creates a flawless finish without looking like you have applied it using a trowel can be hard. Dermalogica Treatment Foundations offers an ideal solution, however: The formula is …

What a good moisturiser can do for your skin

Our skin has a natural protective barrier designed to reduce moisture loss and offer protection from the elements. Unfortunately, many aggressive environmental factors can compromise this layer, leaving the skin vulnerable to moisture loss and irritation. Even soap and water can strip the skin of moisture and protection, making it …

Sport and your skin

We all know how important it is to exercise and work up a bit of a sweat on a regular basis. Working out can have a detrimental effect on your complexion, however, particularly if your skin is sensitive and prone to developing spots. Excessive sweating can increase the risk of …