Spring is Coming – Are Your Feet Ready?

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels For many of us, footcare is something which only really happens during the warmer, sandal-wearing months, and goes largely neglected while our feet are stuffed into boots and socks. But this means that by the time Spring rolls around, there are a lot of …

How to Minimise Scarring

Scarring on the face or body can be from a multitude of things. Common reasons are from burns, acne scarring, chickenpox and surgical wounds. They will naturally fade and change colour over time, and some may even get smaller in their size, however, they can be very hard to treat. …

Time to Tackle Dry Skin

Dry skin on the face and/or the body is very common. Many of us would have suffered with it at some point in our lifetimes, so what causes it, and how can we tackle this issue? Dry skin is a skin type, and can be caused by a multitude of …

Products to Deeply Relax You During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a confusing time for most women. Your body is changing, hormones are up and down, and your mind can be wandering all over the place. Whether it is your first, second, third etc baby, you always need to take care of yourself as well as baby. One …

Exercise and your Skin

Exercise, a word which always brings me mixed feelings. On one hand, I love the feeling I get after a good workout. Running outdoors and Pilates are my personal go to. But actually, getting to that good feeling, well that’s another set of emotions entirely.  Of course, we all know …