Autumn/Winter Skincare Suggestions

When you feel as if your skin is dry, dehydrated and sensitive from the turning of the seasons, what is the best thing to do? I would always suggest if you’re in a right pickle, then go and see a trained Beauty Therapist. They can shed some light on why …

The Benefits of Using a Serum

We all know that a good and consistent skincare routine is key to having great skin. However, there are so many products, ranges and brands out there, it can be difficult to know what to use, especially when you’re starting a routine, or wanting to add something new into it. …

Is Your Skincare Still Fresh?

When we all buy our skincare products, we are so excited to go home and open them up and start experiencing them. Then, as time goes on, we might find another, lets say, cleanser that piques our interest. Or our skin type or condition has changed over the course of …

The Ultimate Beauty List, Wedding Edition

As Lockdowns are eased, and we all start to get back to our normal lives, many businesses are opening again, and events are allowed to be held. One of them being Weddings! I have had many clients tell me that due to Lockdown, their wedding has been cancelled or moved, …