Really dry skin requires regular doses of hydration

Some of those with very dry skin make the mistake of only using an intense moisturiser when the condition is at its worst, although this really isn’t the right way to go about things. Looking after skin which is prone to dryness doesn’t simply involve reaching for an intense moisturiser …

Don’t let winter weather get a look in

One of the worst things about winter weather is that it can have a tendency to creep up without warning. One minute you’re happily enjoying a nice mild autumn, and the next you’re shivering in all of your winter woollies. Since you can never predict when temperatures will take a …

Masque excessively oily skin

Excessively oily skin can prove really problematic to deal with when you’re not dealing with it with the right products. For years, many skin care myths have surrounded the excessively oily skin condition, although these myths can actually make things worse. Skipping moisturiser and using a harsh cleanser are just …

Good skin care doesn’t have to take hours

Many people wrongly believe that they need to spend hours in front of the bathroom mirror every week to look after their skin properly, although this definitely isn’t true. If you’re using really poor quality skin care products, then you could well be spending a considerable amount of time on …