Which Dermalogica moisturiser is right for you?

We all know that using a moisturiser is key to any effective beauty regime. The problem many people have is knowing which one is right for them as there is so much choice. Whilst some of us have oily skin, others suffer with a more sensitive complexion and then there are those …

Fix adult acne with Dermalogica

Think spots are just for teens? Think again. Women, and men, in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond not only have to deal with the signs of aging but acne at the same time. Stress and hormones plus a Vitamin D deficiency and pollution are just some of the causes …

To tone or not to tone

[slideshow_deploy id=’11561′]   To tone or not to tone is a beauty question that has been asked for many years. Toners (sometimes referred to as astringents) have had bad press in the past mainly because they were packed with harsh ingredients like alcohol that irritated and dried out the skin. …

Give your skin a boost with Dermalogica

Every now and again, especially in the harsh winter months, your skin needs a little bit of TLC. A healthy diet, lots of water, exercise and sleep all help your skin look glowing, but concentrated boosters are the ultimate way to combat your skin’s reactions to the weather, hormonal imbalances and …

Care for your face the Dermalogica way

We know you know this, but your face is one of most sensitive and delicate parts of your body and as such it needs to be protected and taken care of so it looks and feels great. Washing your face might appear to be the most basic step towards fresh, …